James Gillray was a British caricaturist and printmaker active from 1779 to 1811. He became famous in his own lifetime for his unmerciful satires on politicians, high society, the Royal family and Napoleon during the scandal-rich Regency period, earning him the contemporary description of ‘a caterpillar on the green leaf of reputation’. Today, he is arguably the most influential caricaturist the world has known.

How did my involvement with him begin? As a young man living in London in the 60’s, I was riding the Underground going home to my bed-sit from work at Unilever when I noticed an advertisement for an exhibition of caricatures by a James Gillray at The Arts Council in St. James’s Square. I didn’t remember the name, but I recognised the illustration they used for the ad. It was The Plumb-pudding in danger, which I had copied by hand from a history textbook at Denstone College some 8 years before, being impressed by its graphic design. Already a cartoon nut, I visited the exhibition the very next day and was captivated by everything I saw. There and then I determined to turn London upside down, shake it, and see just how many Gillrays would fall out.

I had immediate success. It seems incredible now, but I was buying prints for just a few pounds. So started a lifetime of collecting and research into Gillray and his contemporaries like Rowlandson and Cruikshank, spending many hours in The Print Room at the British Museum on Saturdays and chasing down caricatures, not only in London, but all over the world. And my interest continues to this day, sustained by Gillray’s imagination, his understanding of human frailty and his wicked wit, added to his outstanding skill with the engraving tool and superb sense of composition. 

1756 - 1815
from a self-portrait

But while he is credited with being the father of the political cartoon, he also dabbled in the world outside the high and mighty, satirizing everyday social situations from ideas often provided by friends. As I delved into his work, I became familiar with those prints also, some of which had no known background descriptions in either contemporary books or the British Museum’s archives. I thought it would be fun to remedy that situation which was the inspiration for the stories in this book. 

The first of them, ‘Slippery Sam’, is a glimpse into the world in which Gillray lived, and how the business of a caricaturist was conducted in the late 18th and early 19th century. The issues of plagiarism and unwelcome competition are also explored in another of the stories The Military Caricaturist.

What they’re saying about Love, Intrigue & Chicanery

Even if you have never heard of James Gillray you will want to know more about him after reading Tony Rothwell’s affectionate and whimsical homage to the satirist and his caricatures. I suspect Gillray himself would have been delighted with Rothwell’s imaginative, tongue-often-in-cheek vignettes. More importantly, Love, Intrigue & Chicanery is rollicking good fun.

Bill Case / Journalist, author, historian

Anyone who enjoys English humour will delight in Love, Intrigue & Chicanery. Based on the caricatures of Great Britain’s most iconic caricaturist, James Gillray, this collection of short stories cleverly written by Tony Rothwell includes a cast of dodgy characters who engage in outlandish acts that, ultimately, expose the baser side of human nature. What fun! 

Jeri Fitzgerald Board / Award-winning author of The Bed She was Born In and From the Wings: A Novel of Women at War   

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but how much more fun to have actual words to anchor us to bygone Gillray caricatures in a new way. I could hear every voice as a real character, and as an actor I longed to read them aloud for the sheer joy of bringing them alive through Tony Rothwell’s magical literary invention. I loved each and every story.

Joyce Reehling / Actor/writer

Any reader who appreciates satire and historical settings will be amused and entertained by this book. The combination of Gillray’s caricatures and the imagination of a talented fiction author has generated a clever, funny, well-written collection of stories. A laugh-out-loud offering by Tony Rothwell.

Pamela Edwards / New York Times best-selling author

Great characterization and witty banter make these Gillray illustrations come to life. Kudos Mr. Rothwell for brilliant imagination and for giving us such an enjoyable read. 

Carolyn Langston / Children’s book author/illustrator